Today, we're diving into a topic that's close to our hearts at Vet Empowered: the concept of being enough.
Not just 'good enough at a particular skill', but inherently, unconditionally enough as a human being.
Buckle up, because this might just change your life!
We're not talking about greetings card icks and clichés, we are talking the truth.
The Truth About You Being Enough
First things first: You are not the negative voice in your head.
That critical inner monologue and the stories it is telling? They weren't put there by you. They're not necessarily true, even if they feel it in the moment.
It's a collection of past experiences, societal expectations, and pressures handed to us over the years. But it's not you. You are so much more than that. That voice also isn't the 'bad guy', it's trying to keep you safe based on misguided and outdated information. It gets to be an opinion that we acknowledge, but not necessarily value. Let's stop inheriting all this cr*p, and give it an information update.
You are the one underneath listening. You are the awareness underneath.
Let's get something straight: being enough isn't about being good enough at a specific skill. It's not about how many surgeries you can perform in a day or how quickly you can diagnose a tricky case. Those are skills you can develop and improve.
Being enough is about your inherent worth as a human being, which exists independently of your achievements or abilities.
The Lie We've Been Told
So why do so many of us struggle with feeling enough?
Well, we've been taught from a young age that our worth (our enough-ness) is circumstantial or external.
Get good grades, land a prestigious job, achieve this, accomplish that... and then you'll be enough.
But here's the thing: that's a lie.
You were enough the moment you came into existence.
Being enough is your birthright.
The Miracle of You
Did you know that the odds of you being born as you were about 1 in 400 trillion?
That's right, you beat odds so astronomical they're hard to comprehend. You're literally a walking, talking miracle.
That's the same as:
Winning the lottery (like a BIG win, not a tenner) five times in a row.
Being hit by a meteorite 9 times in a row
Randomly selecting the same single grain of sand from all of the beaches on Earth, from 200 Earth-like planets.
Let's break down this mind-boggling statistic. Dr. Ali Binazir, a Harvard-educated physician, calculated these odds by considering several factors:
The probability of your parents meeting: about 1 in 20,000.
The chances of them staying together long enough to have kids: about 1 in 2,000.
The odds of the right sperm meeting the right egg: about 1 in 400 quadrillion.
This wasn't even taking into account the probability of your ancestors staying alive long enough to pass on their genes: astronomical.
When you multiply these probabilities together, you end up with odds of about 1 in 400 trillion. That's how special your existence is.... without any extra letters or achievements necessary.
And yes, it might all be random - but you'd be pretty excited by the lottery win too.
The Power of Knowing You're Enough
Knowing you're enough can be transformative. It takes time to really soak that up and realise it.
It frees you from the constant pursuit of external validation.
It allows you to take risks, to be vulnerable, to show up authentically in your work and relationships.
When you know you're enough, you can pursue excellence not out of a desperate need to prove your worth, but out of genuine passion and curiosity.
What Being Enough Doesn't Mean
But let's be clear: being enough doesn't mean being perfect - because perfect doesn't exist.
It doesn't mean you don't have room to grow or improve.
It doesn't mean you'll never make mistakes or face challenges.
Being enough simply means that your worth isn't determined by these things.
You're valuable, period.
Owning Your Enough-ness
It's time to step past the BS and own your enough-ness.
This isn't about arrogance or complacency. It's about recognising your inherent worth and operating from that place of self-assurance.
Imagine how differently you'd approach your work, your relationships, your life, if you truly believed you were enough.
The Ripple Effect
Here's another beautiful thing: if you're enough (which you are), then so is everyone else.
This realisation can transform how you interact with colleagues, clients, and patients. It allows for more compassion, more understanding, more genuine connection.
No more competition. No more one-up(wo)manship. They're doing a great job at being them, and you get to do a great job at being you.
Ditching the Productivity Pressure
And while we're at it, let's ditch the productivity pressure. Your worth isn't measured by how many tasks you tick off your to-do list or how busy you are.
You're not a human doing, you're a human being. And your being is enough.
Practical Steps to Embrace Your Enough-ness
So, how do we start embracing this truth? It's a process, lovely. Sometimes we will fall back asleep and forget. Being enough is your birthright. You don't have to achieve it, you just have to start to dare to believe it.
Here are a few steps:
1. Catch that negative self-talk. When you hear that critical inner voice, pause and ask, "Would I say this to a friend?". Notice the input, and say "thanks, but that's not the story today".
2. Practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness you'd offer to a friend, even if it feels different at first.
3. Celebrate your uniqueness. Remember that 1 in 400 trillion statistic? You're literally one of a kind! You can't get being you wrong. You get to CHOOOOSE!
4. Set boundaries. When you know you're enough, it's easier to say no to things that don't align with your values or wellbeing. (Catch up on our free boundaries webinar here.)
5. Surround yourself with people who see your worth. Their belief in you can help reinforce your own self-belief. Do the same for other people too.
6. Do things just for joy, not for achievement. Remind yourself that you don't have to earn your right to exist and enjoy life.
7. Use affirmations. They might feel weird at first, but regularly telling yourself "I am enough" can rewire your brain over time - or whatever you choose to say.
Ask for support if you need it too, we all did in our own paths.
The Freedom of Being Enough
Remember, you didn't have to earn your way into existence, and you don't have to earn your right to be here now.
You are enough, full stop.
Your skills, your achievements, your productivity - these are all great, but they're the icing on the cake. You, just as you are, are the whole bloody cake.
So the next time that inner critic pipes up, or you feel the weight of external expectations, remember this: You are a one-in-400-trillion miracle.
You are inherently valuable.
You are worthy of love, respect, and fulfillment.
You are, and always have been, enough.
Your Next Step: The Vet Empowered Signature Programme
Here at Vet Empowered, we're on a mission to help you reconnect with this truth. Because when you truly believe you're enough, there's no limit to what you can achieve - not because you need to prove your worth, but because you're free to pursue your passions and purpose.
If you're ready to dive deeper into this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, we invite you to check out our Vet Empowered Signature Programme. This transformative experience is designed to help you:
Reconnect with your inherent worth and value
Build unshakeable confidence
Set healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life
Cultivate resilience in the face of challenges
Align your career with your values and strengths
Our programme combines evidence-based practices, peer support, and personalised coaching to help you create a life and career that truly lights you up. Whether you're feeling burned out, stuck in your career, or just ready for a change, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Ready to take the next step in your journey to empowerment? Head here to find out more.
You've got this.
Not because of what you do, but because of who you are.
You are enough, you always have been, and you always will be.
Now go out there and f*cking shine!